Month: February 2013

Monitor NetApp SnapMirror via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

Monitor NetApp SnapMirror via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

So yesterday I talked about using a Powershell script with in Solarwinds to monitor volume sizes. Using the NetApp Data ONTAP Toolkit, we have the ability to do monitor a lot of different things, and track the information using Solarwinds. In this post I will show how to monitor SnapMirror relationships using Solarwinds.

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Monitor NetApp SAN via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

Monitor NetApp SAN via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

I was unable to find any examples for how to do this online, so I came up with my own solution using the NetApp Data ONTAP toolkit as well as a slight modification of your powershell profile.

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SSH Auto Login Using Putty

SSH Auto Login Using Putty

I once had a person tell me that the most successful individuals in IT are lazy.  Years after hearing that, the notion has stuck with me and translates into much of how I attach problems.

If you’re like me, you use putty to connect to servers via SSH frequently. Now, I know that you can use key based authentication using puttygen, but in the scenario that you don’t want to go that route, you can use the method below to create windows shortcuts to automatically log into a host using putty.

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